Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We're Here

Josh and I made it to knoxville safe and sound. We just got back from eating some dinner and I am getting ready to turn in for the evening so that i am well rested for tomorrow. We left from our house this morning and it took us longer than expected but we ran into some traffic/accidents and rain. Not to mention we took a long lunch break at Macados in Blacksburg ( i can't pass up a chance to stop in blacksburg when we are driving through). But we are down here now and excited about tomorrow. I called to check in with my mom and she said Raegan is having fun up there. She loves being at grandma and pop pops house. She went over to play with her cousin Tyler at his pool and then he came over to have pizza with her and play with Pop Pop's new train garden. I could hear her in the background laughing and babbling. We miss her but we are glad she is having fun and getting to spend time with her grandparents, and cousin.

We are excited about tomorrow. This morning I went for a run before we left and had a chance to kind of pray and reflect. I was reminded that God already knows what is going to happen tomorrow and in the days following. He knows His plan for those tiny embies and also for our family. It is our hope and prayer that tomorrow is the day that out family expands but we also know that no matter what happens God already knows and it's a part of His perfect plan. So we lay down our lives and continue the next step in this journey.

Our appointment is for 11 am tomorrow. I will post sometime tomorrow with details of how everything went. Thank you for all of the prayers and encouragement!


  1. Thinking of you guys and praying for the Lord's will to be done.

  2. Praying for you! Have a safe trip! Love you guys!
