Friday, July 24, 2009

Test on Monday

I have scheduled my blood test to see if i am still pregnant. It's on monday so it's not too much longer of a wait. I am beginning to feel not so confident that this worked. I feel the same way that I did at this point in the last transfer. I was pretty upset yesterday but I am trying to have peace and rely on God to see us through this process. We won't know anything for sure until monday. And I know no matter what the outcome that God is in control and He does have a perfect plan. I know God doesn't always answer prayers in the way that we think we want but He is our loving father and He knows what is best for our lives. I have a clearer picture of how God views us now that I am a parent. Sometimes Raegan really wants something and she is persistent in asking. Sometimes we give her what she wants and sometimes we have to say "no". We say no not because we are mean parents who don't love her. We say know because it is our job as her parents to watch out for her, protect her and guide her. We say no sometimes because we love her too much not to say no. I don't know why I ever doubt that God loves me or treats me any differntly than I treat my own daughter. In fact God loves me in a way that I can't even fathom and I know He wants the best for me. So as we approach monday I cling to His promises. And I cling to the fact that He loves me more than I could ever know and He has a perfect plan for my life and for our family.

1 comment:

  1. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
    Jen, I read this today and I think it applies beautifully.
    "All I have seen teaches me to" trust the creator for all I have not see. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
    These two thoughts hold together. When doubt creeps in look at the Master's gifts and know that He's not through giving. Love Mom
