We are now the proud parents of 4 tiny little embryos (we like to call them our embies). Now don't freak out when you hear 4. I know that most people do. It doesn't mean that we are going to have 4 babies. The chances of that happening is probably close to zero. But 4 embyos were implanted in me today. Once we arrived they took me to the prep/recovery room. The doctor and our IVF nurse who I have been working with came in to talk to us. I can't express how nice they are. You can really tell that all of the people that work there really believe strongly in what they do. You can tell that they really feel a calling from God to do what they do and it shows. Anyway next the embryologist came in to explain how the embryos were doing. The donor couple that we were matched with had 4 embryos. She thawed the first vial which had 2 and 1 of the 2 was not doing very well ( it had come out of it's case/shell) so they decided to thaw the second vial with 2 more. All 4 of them grew during the thawing which is what is supposed to happen. One of them looks really good, 2 of them were growing but had an average grade and than that 4th little one wasn't doing so well but since it was still growing and not dying they wanted to implant it rather than discard it. The procedure was pretty short. It was uncomfortable at times but overall it wasn't too bad. The worst part was the fact that they had to fill my bladder up really full because it helps push the uterus out and makes it easier for the transfer. And after the procedure I had to lay flat for an hour with a very, very full bladder. It was quite uncomfortable but again all of this is worth it. And I better get used to discomfort because i know there will be much more of that coming if this works! They gave us a picture of the ultrasound where the embryos were placed and the embryologist actually gave us pictures of the embryos which we will try to scan and post when we get home. When we saw the pictures it was kind of emotional. It just reminded us in a more real way that these are lives. Lives with the potential to grow and thrive if given a chance. We know that it is in God's hands. He created these lives and even as tiny little clusters He has a name for each of them. He may call some or even all of them home or He may have a plan for them to grow inside of me and a chance for us to be their loving parents. It's in God's hands at this point. It always has been. Now we just get to wait and see what His plan is for these little embies and for our family.
This is has been a great experience already. Again I am learning a lot about life and about our Creator. We are so thankful for this opportunity and we are excited to see where this journey takes us.
Right now I am just relaxing. I am supposed to take it easy for at least 24 hours. I came home and pretty much slept off the valium. I am a little bit more awake now but we are just hanging out in the hotel room and we will head back home tomorrow afternoon. We miss Raegan and are anxious to get home and see her but we are glad she is having so much fun with Grandma and Pop Pop and I know they are enjoying an opportunity to spend so much time with her!
Once we get home it will just be a waiting game. I am supposed to go in for blood pregnancy tests on April 6th and April 8th and we will find out then if I'm pregnant or not. So from here on out it's just more Progesterone shots, Estrace and the waiting game!
I'm so glad that they all froze! We are still praying for you and your safe return back to Va! Good look with everything Jen! We cannot wait to find out what the outcome is....miss you guys Desi. p.s. i'm holding this baby in until you get home!