Monday, April 12, 2010

23 Weeks

There is not much new to report as far as the pregnancy goes. Everything is still going good. Our baby is definitely growing as evidenced by my ever expanding belly. And she is definitely an acrobat as evidenced by her nearly continuous kicks and moves. Sometime last week I looked at my belly when she was moving and I could see her moving from the outside. Sometimes I really do wonder what she is doing in there. I can't really feel her moving a lot throughout the day because I don't really sit still much during the day since I am chasing a toddler around and doing mommy things all day. But as soon as I sit or especially when I lay down I can feel our little girl moving around. Sometimes when I get a chance I like to take a break during the day and stop so that I can feel her moving around. It's so nice to be able to be able to spend time with both of girls each day. I have fabric picked out for the nursery so now I just need to start sewing. I still need to finish decorating Raegan's room so I have a lot of projects to do. And I think we have a name chosen out but I think we are going to wait until she is born to announce it. We thought it would be nice to keep it as a surprise plus given my indecisiveness, I don't want to commit to anything yet in case I change my mind. So overall we are both doing good!

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