Saturday, June 27, 2009

Moving Forward

We are continuing to move forward in our process for our second transfer. I went for an ultrasound and estrodiol level last wednesday and received a call from Dr. Keenan at the NEDC telling me that everything looked good at that I could move on to the next medication and start taking Estrace on the 28th. So I will start that tomorrow. The Lupron shots are going well. They sting for a while after it's given but it's not bad. I gave myself a couple of shots this week because Josh was out and that went fine. I knew I could do the little shots, I still don't think I can do the big Progesterone shots on my own. Not only are those needles HUGE but they have to go in my backside which is a little bit difficult to do without help. But needless to say we are glad that everything is continuing to move forward. I think we both feel more of a sense of peace this time around. It was stressful the first time for both of us. I don't know that stress is the reason it didn't work but maybe we were stressed because we didn't feel God's peace because it wasn't His timing. Josh even told me that he doesn't like going on feelings but if feelings mean anything he has been feeling lately like it's going to work this time. I feel different this time too. I hope those feelings are from God as His way of offering us peace and telling us that this is right this time. We certainly have a lot of people praying for us and that alone offers me peace. So thank you to everyone who is supporting us and praying for us on this journey.

1 comment:

  1. I pray everytime I think of you. Jesus is interceding when He says in Luke,
    I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. Luke 22:32
    Somehow this is about faith. Raegan is a constant reminder of the gift that comes from faith and His grace to allow us to be a part of His plan through prayer.
    I love you all. Mom
